Shades of Green, a resort on Walt Disney World property fully owned and operated by the United States Department of Defense (DOD) for members of the military and their families, has announced that it is closing out of concerns for the current ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

The resort will be asking any of its current guests to return to their home station as soon as they can make the necessary travel arrangements, with all cancellation fees now waived. As far as when they’ll be taking reservations again, new arrivals will be accepted after May 15th. Of course, this is not an official reopening date for Walt Disney World, but merely an estimate of when this specific resort expects to reboot its operations.
Shades of Green has since updated their home page to include information regarding the closure:
Shades of Green will temporarily close in response to the Coronavirus
The safety of our guests and staff is our primary concern at AFRC Resorts. Shades of Green will temporarily close to ensure the health and well-being of service members and their families during the COVID-19 crisis. Despite our best efforts to serve guests through this situation, it is now apparent that this crisis requires collective action to slow its progression in the United States. Guests will be asked to return to their home station as soon as they can make the necessary travel arrangements. We are waiving any cancellation or early departure fees for reservations during this time.

There have been no reported cases of COVID-19 at Shades of Green Resort.
Shades of Green will continue to accept reservations for new arrivals after May 15th. We will continue to closely monitor the situation and will make a determination to reopen in coordination with our partners at Disney World Resorts when it is safe for our guests and staff.
We will continue to support our staff and military community the best we can during this temporary closure. If you have questions regarding your reservation, please email us at
We encourage all of our military guests to limit their travel during this time. All the world-class attractions, beautiful golf courses, and relaxing vacation amenities will all still be here when this crisis is finished and it is safe to travel once again. We look forward to having you stay with us in the very near future.