Disney+ Testing Autoplay Function

While we’re still out here twiddling our thumbs till the official launch of Disney+, testing for the streaming service and its app are well underway in the Netherlands. Resources like disneyplusser.nl have been posting on all the latest updates, most notably the addition of the Autoplay function in the latest app update.

The latest 1.1.0 update for the Disney Plus app brings the addition of a lower-half countdown screen during the credits of the end of an episode, featuring a thumbnail and details of the following episode (episode number, name, season.) The next episode then starts automatically after a few seconds. This feature was not available in the old 1.0.3 version of the app. However, it is unknown whether the autoplay function will work on all devices.

If you are lucky enough to be in the test group for Disney+ and have not been able to switch to the new version yet, this latest update is being rolled out in phases to keep from overloading local servers, and may take several days.