Woman allegedly electrocuted at Disney World Resort Hotel, files suit against Disney

A woman who was a Guest at the Walt Disney World Resort three years ago in 2018 has filed suit against Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, part of The Walt Disney Company, alleging personal injury, as she claims she was electrocuted while trying to use an outlet in the Resort Hotel room where she stayed back in September 2018.

On November 4, 2021, attorney Max A. Eichenblatt of Winter Park, Florida, filed suit on behalf of Courtney Randall against Disney in Orange County Circuit Court, alleging negligence on the part of the Walt Disney World Resort that resulted in the alleged electrocution.

Per the complaint filed in court (Ninth Judicial Circuit Court for Orange County filing number 137926812), Randall and her family were Guests of the Walt Disney World Resort in September 2018. On September 9, 2018, while in the family’s Disney Resort Hotel room, Randall and her family noticed an electrical problem with several of the outlets were not in working order. Some of them, per the complaint, hung out from the wall. Randall claims she notified the Resort Hotel and was told that a Cast Member would arrive at her hotel room that day to take care of the issue.

Walt Disney World Resorts - Disney World Resort Hotels

Randall further claims in the complaint that on September 10, the following day, she attempted to use one of the outlets, as she was under the impression that the issues with the outlets had been addressed (possibly while the family was enjoying the theme parks). In court documents filed against Disney, Randall states that she attempted to use one of the outlets and was electrocuted in the process.

The complaint claims that Randall has suffered disability, mental anguish, a loss of capacity for the enjoyment of life, and disfigurement. It further claims that her alleged electrocution also netted her the expense of medical care, as well as the loss of future earning capacity.

Per the website for the Ninth Judicial Circuit Court in Orange County, “the court is located in the heart of Central Florida and is one of 20 judicial circuits in the state. Serving Orange and Osceola counties, the Ninth Circuit covers over 2,000 square miles and serves more than 1.3 million residents, making it one of the largest circuits in Florida. Additionally, because of Central Florida’s great sunshine, family attractions, and a strong economy Central Florida plays host to nearly 50 million business and vacationing visitors each year, making this the most visited region of the world.”