Via live and recorded vignettes, generations of Star Wars icons are revealing new products in advance of their roll out on Triple Force Friday, October 4, all inspired by a trio of the year’s biggest Star Wars releases: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, The Mandalorian, and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.
One is the arrival of the new D-0 Interactive Droid by Hasbro, a fully autonomous droid that you can control via app.

You can move the droid via an app on your tablet or phone. He even plays and dances to music! No pricing was released for the droid, but he will be available during the official Triple Force Friday merchandise release next Friday, October 4th.

As a fun tie-in, you can see D-0 and BB-8 in this shot from an animated Star Wars clip by Funko!

You can catch the full clip, as well as a fun insider view on the engineering that went into the new D-0 Interactive Droid, in the Triple Force Friday preview video below: