Multiple principals suspended after high school Senior Trip to Disney World

It’s that time of year again when high schools all around the country are celebrating the millions of twelfth graders who are counting down the minutes to that coveted “walk across the stage.” But for one high school in New Jersey, the celebration might have gotten out of hand during a Senior Class trip to Disney World.

At high schools in states across the country, it’s not uncommon for the graduating Senior Class to plan a Senior trip either shortly before graduation or immediately following commencement services. At Wall High School, a Senior trip is planned every year in mid-March.

For graduating seniors in the Class of 2022 at Wall High School in Wall Township, New Jersey, the Walt Disney World Resort in Central Florida was chosen as the Senior trip destination. Who doesn’t dream of a magical Disney vacation, and for graduating Seniors, the Disney experience can make the celebration even more magical.

wall high school seniors disney world

But thanks to photos tweeted on Twitter, first-person accounts, and maybe even the talk around town, the Disney vacation/Senior trip has been at the center of an investigation at Wall High School.

Though details have not been made clear or public at this time, alleged behavior by some on the Wall High School Senior trip has come under scrutiny as allegations of “improper behavior” during the trip have circulated. Three sources very close to the Senior trip scenario at the high school have shared that an investigation has begun, looking into behavior that took place while the group was at Walt Disney World in Central Florida.

wall high school seniors disney world

Pending the investigation, Wall Township School District officials have suspended the district’s high school and intermediate school principals with pay. Wall High School Principal Rosaleen Sirchio and Wall Intermediate School Principal Erin Embon have both been suspended. According to, Principal Erin Embon allegedly participated in the trip without the approval of the school district.

wall high school

In their absences, High School Assistant Principal Kevin Davis is serving as interim principal, and Tiffany Steiner, Assistant Intermediate School Principal, is taking the helm at that school.

Photos from the Senior trip were tweeted on March 27 and March 28 on a Twitter account called WallHSKnights.

The images online at the time of this publication appear to show multiple groups of students posing for photos with friends at Disney World’s Magic Kingdom, EPCOT, and the All-Star Movies Resort and also at Universal Studios Orlando and at the airport.

Wall Township School District Superintendent Tracy Handerhan informed parents of the principals’ paid dismissals via e-mail, but the district official did not include reasons for those suspensions.

“This email serves as an update regarding Wall High School administration,” Handerhan wrote in an e-mail about Sirchio’s dismissal. “Please be advised that Mr. Kevin Davis will serve as the Acting Principal of Wall High School while Mrs. Sirchio is on leave. Should you have any questions relating to your child and this transition, please contact your child’s guidance counselor.”

wall high school seniors 2022

A similar e-mail about Embon’s absence was sent to parents of students at the intermediate school.

According to sources closest to the investigation, the school district has been questioning faculty at both schools about the trip.

“Mandalorian” actress Gina Carano responds to Whoopi Goldberg’s suspension

Actress Gina Carano from the Disney+ series The Mandalorian isn’t happy about Whoopi Goldberg’s suspension either.

Goldberg was suspended for two weeks by ABC New President Kimberly Godwin after Goldberg made comments on Monday’s episode of ABC’s The View, saying the Holocaust was “not about race,” but rather about “man’s inhumanity to man,” which led to an immediate outcry online.

Goldberg’s co-hosts are reportedly unhappy about the decision on ABC’s part to take disciplinary action against Goldberg, and some fans of The View are angered by Goldberg’s suspension, some threatening a boycott of the series citing the news network’s “double standard” in suspending Goldberg for her comments while a former co-host, Meagan McCain, never received similar consequences for comments she made over the years than some felt were inflammatory.

But others, like actress Gina Carano, who was fired by Disney for comments she made referring to the Holocaust feel there’s been a “double standard,” but from a different angle.

Last February, Carano was fired from her role as Cara Dune on Disney+’s The Mandalorian for comments she made in an Instagram post, which read:

“Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors… even by children… Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?”

“Gina Carano is not currently employed by Lucasfilm and there are no plans for her to be in the future,” a Lucasfilm spokesperson said in a statement regarding her termination. “Nevertheless, her social media posts denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities are abhorrent and unacceptable.”

Carano has taken to Twitter this week to give clarity to her Instagram post from February 2021, to show her support for the Jewish community, and to call for “conversation over cancellation.”

Carano tweeted that she never once said that “Republicans were being treated like Jews in the Holocaust.”

Carano also tweeted about her support for the Jewish community, saying that last year, when she was fired by Disney for her comments, it was a Jewish man, Ben Shapiro, who reached out to her.

Goldberg’s suspension came on Tuesday of this week. Goldberg made her comments during Monday’s episode of The View, after which Goldberg appeared on the Late Night with Stephen Colbert Show and doubled down on her comments from earlier that day. Later on Monday, she made an apology, and on Tuesday’s episode, she made an apology on-air.

Disney Cruise Line Suspends New Departures Through July 27th

Disney Cruise Line updated their website today with the news that they are suspending all new departures through Monday, July 27, 2020. While this may not come as a shock to many during this COVID-19 pandemic, it is still heartbreaking for those that had plans to cruise during this time. The Disney Cruise Line’s update includes the following:

In fall 2019, the Disney Magic sails to Bermuda, Bahamas and Canada from New York, followed by Bahamian and Caribbean voyages from Miami. Aboard the Disney Magic, guests can experience new spaces and experiences, including dining at Rapunzel’s Royal Table. (Matt Stroshane, photographer)

Disney Cruise Line Coronavirus (COVID-19) Travel Alert

With the well-being of our Guests, Crew Members and Cast Members our top priority, and in line with direction from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Disney Cruise Line has suspended all-new departures through Monday, July 27, 2020.

Guests currently booked on affected sailings will be offered the choice of a cruise credit to be used for a future sailing within 15 months of their original sail date, or a full refund. These Guests and travel agents will receive an email from Disney Cruise Line outlining details and next steps.

Guests who booked their reservation through a travel agent should contact them directly with any questions.

Below is a list of impacted sailings:

  • Disney Magic: May 11-23, May 23-30, May 30-June 6, June 6-13, June 13-22, June 22-July 1, July 1-13, July 13-18, July 18-25, July 25-Aug 5 
  • Disney Wonder: May 8-18, May 18-25, May 25-June 1, June 1-8, June 8-15, June 15-22, June 22-29, June 29-July 6, July 6-13, July 13-20, July 20-27, July 27-Aug 3 
  • Disney Dream: May 11-15, May 15-18, May 18-22, May 22-25, May 25-29, May 29-June 1, June 1-5, June 5-8, June 8-12, June 12-17, June 17-21, June 21-26, June 26-July 1, July 1-5, July 5-10, July 10-13, July 13-17, July 17-20, July 20-24, July 24-27, July 27-31 
  • Disney Fantasy: May 9-16, May 16-23, May 23-30, May 30-June 6, June 6-13, June 13-20, June 20-27, June 27-July 6, July 6-11, July 11-18, July 18-25, July 25-Aug 1

Disney Cruise Line Coronavirus (COVID-19) Additional Information

Disney Cruise Line consistently receives among the highest public health inspection scores and has health and safety protocols in place. We also have a comprehensive plan that outlines protocols for managing illness and closely follow the guidance of public health officials. In light of COVID-19, Disney Cruise Line is operating at elevated cleaning and sanitation levels. Among the procedures currently in place include:

  • Training for all of our Crew Members on how best to prevent the spread of illness on board.
  • A health screening completed by all Guests and Crew Members to check for illness before they board the ship.
  • Extensive cleaning and sanitation of high-traffic areas (e.g., handrails, doorknobs and elevator buttons) and children’s facilities.
  • Cleaning of all staterooms twice a day and additional disinfection when necessary.
  • Discontinuing self-service at buffet locations.
  • Regular communication with Guests and Crew Members regarding how to prevent illness.
  • Hand-washing stations and sanitizing wipes conveniently located throughout our ships.
  • Medical clinics on our ships staffed with experienced doctors and nurses and stocked with supplies and medications to treat a variety of illnesses.According to public health authorities, Guests can also help prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) and many other illnesses by frequently washing their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after using the restroom and before eating. Parents can supervise their children to ensure they wash their hands thoroughly. Guests are also advised to cover their nose and mouth with a tissue (or upper sleeve) when sneezing, and avoid sneezing or coughing into their hands or without covering their nose and mouth. Guests or Crew Members who show any symptoms of illness are advised to contact their ship’s Medical Center immediately.Updates will be posted online as new information becomes available and Guests with specific questions may reach out to us at (866) 325-2112 or (407) 566-3510 or contact their travel agent. Please note that call volumes may be high.