Disney World Confirms Permanent Closure of Nighttime Spectacular and Two Attractions

There’s so much changing right now at Disney World it’s hard to keep up. In addition to all the changes to park operations and offerings during the phased reopening, we’ve also seen changes to multiple construction projects timelines, project postponements, and even project cancellations. Today, we can add the permanent closure of two attractions and one of the nighttime spectaculars to the list.

Earlier today, Disney management confirmed in an internal memo to cast members that two attractions, Stitch’s Great Escape and Primeval Whirl, which did not reopen with the parks. Would in fact be closing permanently.

Stitch’s Great Escape comes as no surprise. The attractions has been operating seasonally since 2016 and was rarely open. Recently, it has served as the location of character meet and greet. The most surprising part of this announcement was that the attraction was technically still on the list of attractions open seasonally.

Likewise, Primeval Whirl has also been listed as a seasonal attraction and is rarely open. Primeval Whirl has been plagued in recent years with maintenance and operational issues. The attraction always had a line due to a very slow loading process, but overall had mixed reviews, so this closure isn’t shocking.

What will likely be surprising for many guests is the permanent shuttering of Rivers of Light, the nighttime spectacular at Animal Kingdom. Rivers of Light was technically the most complicated and expensive nighttime spectacular shows ever produced by Disney.

From the memo:

“As you know, when Disney’s Animal Kingdom Theme Park reopened to our Guests, several experiences, attractions and shows did not reopen with the park for a variety of reasons. While we look forward to adjusting our operation as we continue to learn and grow in our new environment, Primeval Whirl and Rivers of light: We Are One will not reopen.”

“Over at Magic Kingdom, Stitch’s Great Escape – which has not operated for some time – is permanently closed. Guests can currently see stitch at the Rockettower Plaza Stage throughout the day.

We do not have any creative updates to share for these areas at the moment.”

Permits Filed For Stitch’s Great Escape Demolition; Wreck-It Ralph Attraction To Replace

There has been rumors of Disney Imagineers wanting to produce a Wreck-It Ralph attraction to replace Stitch’s Great Escape in Tomorrowland at the Magic Kingdom. Well, now it seems work is set to commence on the project as recent permits (Notices of Commencement) were filed for demolition of the theater’s interior.

According to sources, the new Wreck-It Ralph attraction would reuse the existing theater-in-the-round from Great Escape (which were also used for Alien Encounter, Mission to Mars, and Flight to the Moon), but would attach video game-style controllers to every guest seat.

Of course, with construction halted throughout Walt Disney World property due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, progress all depends on when things will return to normalcy, but it’s clear that the project is moving forward for the time being. The current Stitch meet and greet will likely be closed upon the park’s reopening, whenever that might be.

If all goes according to plan, the Wreck-It Ralph attraction in Tomorrowland will be coming our way in 2022, directly following the opening of the TRON Lightcycle Run roller coaster in 2021. These additions combined with the ongoing cosmetic changes in Tomorrowland should provide the base for a “new” version of the area for the Magic Kingdom.