Johnny Depp Officially Says Goodbye To Jack Sparrow

Even though Pirates of the Caribbean fans know that Disney had fired fan-favorite actor Johnny Depp, the actor has come forward and revealed he won’t return to play Captain Jack Sparrow even if Disney changes their mind.

Depp’s life was turned upside down after his ex-wife Amber Heard published a piece in 2018 claiming that Depp was abusing her and was a “wife-beater”. These allegations have led Depp and Heard to go to court. In the process, Depp has lost his role as Jack Sparrow in the upcoming Pirates of the Caribbean film, lost his role as the new titular villain, Grindewald to Mads Mikkelsen in the Fantastic Beasts franchise, and now is a blacklisted actor in Hollywood.

Heard still gets to play Mera in Aquaman: The Lost Kingdom (2023), but that is the only work the actress has for the moment. After losing to The Sun in a libel lawsuit case in November 2021, Depp has gone back to court for a defamation case claiming that Heard isn’t telling the truth and has ruined his career. Now fans watch the court case ensue as it continues right now in Fairfax, Virginia.

Under testimony, Depp was asked about his role as Jack Sparrow and if he would ever reprise the role by Heard’s attorney, Ben Rottenborn:

“The fact is, Mr. Depp, if Disney came to you with $300 million and a million alpacas, nothing on this earth would get you to go back and work with Disney on a ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ film? Correct?”

gibbs (left) and jack sparrow (right) in pirates of the caribbean

Depp confirmed that he was done playing the iconic captain:

“That is true, Mr. Rottenborn.”

Depp also explained how Disney may have fired him from Pirates, but his character still appears at the parks and rides and is being sold in merchandise:

“They didn’t remove my character from the rides,” he said. “They didn’t stop selling dolls of Captain Jack Sparrow. They didn’t stop selling anything. They just didn’t want there to be something trailing behind me that they’d find.”

Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow

Depp went on to testify for hours explaining different incidents of abuse and violence by Heard. One of the prominent moments would be when Depp had to go to the hospital to reattach the top of his severed finger after Heard cut it off.

Heard is expected to testify in the next few days and give her side of the story, but the court case will take weeks before a verdict is reached.

There’s a Petition To Rehire Johnny Depp For Pirates Of The Caribbean


When you think of Pirates of the Caribbean, we are guessing Captain Jack Sparrow comes to mind right away. This iconic character in the Pirates movies in many ways defined the movies themselves propelling them to greatness. This is why many are surprised that Disney would continue on without the legendary Captain Jack Sparrow.

Following his legal feud with former wife Amber Heard, Disney seems reluctant to continue to work with Depp moving forward if there were to be a Pirates reboot.

As you’d expect, fans of Jack Sparrow took to social media to show their support for the iconic character and they even started a petition to have the Mouse House rehire Depp, which is currently closing in on 400K signatures on, as it currently sits at just under 370,000 and is gathering steam rather quickly. It is hard to imagine Pirate without Captain Jack’s charm and charisma.