On May 15, Disney announced they were no longer requiring Guests to wear masks outdoors. On June 15 face coverings became optional both indoors and outdoors for fully vaccinated Guests in most areas except on Disney transportation. Disney did not require proof of vaccination but did expect unvaccinated Guests to keep their masks on particularly while indoors. Unfortunately, with the rise of COVID cases, Orange County (which encompasses much of Walt Disney World) is in a state of emergency. Disney responded on July 30 by once again requiring masks to be worn at all indoor locations as well as outdoor queues, attractions, and theaters. Today, we’re learning that beginning August 19, face masks will now be optional for Guests when riding outdoor attractions, standing in outdoor queues, and while seated in outdoor theaters.

As reported by InsideTheMagic: “Per Disney: Since May, face coverings have been optional for Guests in outdoor common areas, and beginning Thursday, August 19, face coverings will also be optional for Guests in outdoor attractions, outdoor queues, and outdoor theaters at Walt Disney World Resort. As a reminder, face coverings remain required for all Guests (ages 2 and up) while indoors and in Disney buses, monorail, and Disney Skyliner, regardless of vaccination status.”