Disney Cast Member Narrowly Escapes Kidnapping Attempt at Parking Lot Near EPCOT

A Disney World cast member narrowly escaped a perpetrator who attempted to kidnap her as she walked to her vehicle following the end of her shift at EPCOT.

Cast members at Disney Parks have some of the most important jobs in all of The Walt Disney Company. No, they don’t have a corner office in Burbank, California, and they don’t fulfill the roles of Disney’s CEO, CFO, or CCO. They are, however, responsible for making the magic real and tangible for guests of all ages who visit the Disney theme parks.

And at a company like Disney, making magic is probably the most important job there is.

disney castle pixie dust tinkerbell

Despite cast members’ focus on doing things to keep the magic alive for guests, there are still some guests who seem focused on being difficult and unruly, just for the sake of being . . . well, difficult and unruly. For some guests, it’s not enough to merely break the rules at Disney’s parks–they have to include belittling and disrespecting cast members in their repertoire.

And sometimes, things get even worse for cast members.

On Thursday, the Orange County Sheriff’s Office officially released a report detailing an incident that occurred on the evening of July 3, 2023, between a Disney World cast member and a would-be kidnapper in a parking lot near EPCOT. Though some news outlets briefly reported on the incident in July, the official police report was not released to the public until this week.

EPCOT International Festival of the Holidays

According to the report, a female cast member who worked at EPCOT had just finished her shift and was walking to her vehicle, which was parked in a parking lot reserved for cast members only. But on the way to her car, an unknown man leaned out of the driver’s side window of a vehicle parked nearby.

According to investigators, the man grabbed the female cast member around her waist and pulled her into the window of his vehicle. The woman began screaming and then “elbowed him in the head” until he finally let her go. But the terrifying incident didn’t stop there.

The Orange County Sheriff’s Office report states that after the man let go of the female cast member, he reportedly said to her, “It’s ok; just come to me, princess.”

parking lot

Despite the perpetrator’s statement to the cast member, he then sped off in his vehicle toward the exit of the parking lot as the cast member ran to her vehicle, according to detectives working on the case. After the incident, the woman contacted law enforcement officials, telling them that the man was driving a dark-colored sedan. She was unable, however, to see the license plate on the vehicle and could not give officers any information about the vehicle’s plates.

The incident took place just outside the range of Disney’s surveillance cameras, but security footage in the parking lot shows the sedan speeding through the lot just after 9:00 p.m. local time.

The cast member described the perpetrator as a bald male, possibly in his 40s or 50s. His identity is unknown at this time. More details and information about this case will be shared as it becomes available.

Magic Kingdom Experience Turns Dangerous Mid-Parade

An exciting afternoon parade at Magic Kingdom turned dangerous after a horse in the parade was attacked by a Guest-favorite Disney World souvenir.

Disney World fans visit the Most Magical Place on Earth 365 days a year–and for more than 365 different magical reasons. For some Guests, it’s the thrill of the theme park attractions like the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror at Disney’s Hollywood Studios. For some, it’s the excitement of the parks’ world-class entertainment offerings, like the Festival of the Lion King stage show at Disney’s Animal Kingdom. And for others, the draw of the parks is simply the chance to step back into the innocence of a childhood decorated with Disney fairytales, princes, princesses, and dreams coming true.

But regardless of the reasons they visit, most Guests at Disney World love the idea and the visage of the theme parks’ parades. Over the years, there have been countless parades at the Central Florida Disney Parks. Shortly after the parks reopened following a nearly four-month-long closure in response to the global pandemic in 2020, some of Disney World’s theme parks presented character cavalcades, during which various Disney and PIXAR characters appeared as part of short pop-up-style parades as a substitute for meet-and-greet experiences with characters.

During the Christmas holiday season at Disney World, which is celebrated from early November to late December across most of the Resort, Magic Kingdom hosts Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmastime Parade during Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party and a very special Christmas Day Parade as part of the magical festivities.

But among the most famous, most magical, and most beloved parades at the Walt Disney World Resort is the Festival of Fantasy Parade at Magic Kingdom. The exciting parade takes place twice daily at Disney World’s first theme park–at noon and 3:00 p.m. The magical event features princes, princesses, and other characters from some of Disney and PIXAR’s most beloved films like Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, Peter Pan, Frozen, Sleeping Beauty, and more.

It’s truly a fantastical experience, but occasionally, the fantasy can quickly turn into a nightmare, as it did for Guests and Cast Members who witnessed a horse in the parade become frightened by a Mickey Mouse balloon that ended up becoming wrapped around his back leg and hoof.

merida and horse at festival of fantasy parade

In an online video posted by Trinidad James, a Cast Member playing the role of Merida can be seen riding along the parade route atop her faithful steed, Angus. It’s a regal trot Angus has, even at the hands of the PIXAR Princess, who’d rather hone in on her archery skills than select a suitor. But moments later, the horse is spooked and becomes impossible to tame–all while Merida is on his back.

Cast Members accompanying Merida quickly spring into action in an attempt to calm the terrified animal. When they are unsuccessful, the Cast Member playing the role of Merida dismounts the horse, calmly walking away, before being startled as he rears, lifting his front legs up, showing his fear, and attempting to get away from the thing that initially scared him. Merida narrowly escapes injury as she bolts from the horse immediately. Guests can be seen running back from the scene playing out in front of them along Main Street, U. S. A.

merida at festival of fantasy parade at magic kingdom

The two Cast Members who accompanied Merida and Angus continue to try to calm the frightened steed, and a third Cast Member appears from the left of the screen, approaches the horse, and slowly reaches to remove the fearsome instigator–a Mickey Mouse balloon that had become wrapped around the horse’s back leg and hoof.

This isn’t the first time the Festival of Fantasy Parade took a dangerous turn. On May 11, 2018, the Maleficent dragon float in the parade suddenly burst into flames. Thankfully, the fire was extinguished, and no Guests or Cast Members were injured. The float was missing from the daytime parade for several months while it was repaired.

Dragon float catches on fire during Disney World parade - ABC News

No word on whether Merida’s faithful steed thought the balloon was a wisp. We’re just glad there were no Guest, Cast Member, or equine injuries to report.

Little Girl Experiences Near-Death Experience While Riding Classic Attraction

Walt Disney World Resort has easily become one of the most popular vacation destinations in the world. Not only because of each Disney Park’s family-friendly atmosphere but because of how safe the Resort is.

And truly, it is! Out of each pillar or key behind Walt Disney World’s success, safety is the highest priority. As a result, severe injuries and even deaths, while possible, are incredibly uncommon.

However, one anonymous Disney World Cast Member recently shared a story in an online forum detailing a very frightening near-death experience.

Kiss the Girl Scene Under the Sea - Journey of the Little Mermaid

The Cast Member was working in Magic Kingdom at the time, on the Under the Sea – Journey of the Little Mermaid attraction.

While unloading Guests from the Magic Kingdom attraction, the Cast Member heard frantic screaming and orders to call 911. When they looked over, they saw a little girl that looked to be about ten, eleven, or twelve years old.

Reportedly, “her whole arm and side of her neck” was swollen as she had been “bitten or stung” by something while on the slow-moving ride, causing an allergic reaction.

ursula, under the sea journey of the little mermaid

Immediately, the Cast Member shut the ride down and had another Cast Member call emergency services while they helped the Guest off of the ride vehicle.

The girl’s mom hadn’t been aware of any allergies, and the little girl was understandably terrified, as she was “still breathing and awake, but crying and hyperventilating.”

cinderella castle

The attraction was held at a standstill for around 10 minutes as they waited for emergency services to arrive. After paramedics arrived, they were later told that the little girl had thankfully recovered.

The kicker?” the Cast Member writes, “Guests had the audacity to complain about the stall.”

Luckily, everything turned out okay during this Disney World accident, thanks to the Cast Member’s level head and quick decision-making.

Disney Character Refuses to Write Autograph for Guest

Via DisDining.com

When it comes to visiting Walt Disney World and Disneyland Resort alike, some of the most exciting memories to be made come from meeting beloved characters.

In both Disney Resorts, professional character performers portray Disney characters, bringing them to life and creating magical memories. The Disney Princesses, such as Princess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty), both the animated and live-action versions of Princess Ariel from The Little Mermaid, and Princess Tiana are just some of the characters Guests can meet.

Occasionally, the Disney Princesses and other Disney characters will wander around the theme park instead of staying in one spot for a meet-and-greet. But the rules can be different for different kinds of character interactions.

Recently, one influencer accused a Disney Princess of refusing to give her an autograph when she met her in the Disney Park, even though she was celebrating her birthday. However, there is likely more to the story than this.

In this video, we can see Princess Jasmine interacting with the influencer and her children, greeting them as usual. However, as the influencer holds out her autograph book, Princess Jasmine pointedly avoids looking at it or moving toward it.

Instead, she looks toward the character attendant Cast Member, who steps in and refuses for her. If you look closely, you can see that the Cast Member also explains something to the influencer.

While it’s not explained in the video, we know exactly what’s going on.

As stated earlier, the rules for character interactions are very specific and didn’t allow for an autograph in this case. Characters can only give autographs during meet-and-greet attractions, not while they’re simply walking around, as it gives other Guests unfair advantages.

However, Disney characters are also unable to outright refuse anything as it may ruin the magic, which is why the Cast Member stepped in.


While the influencer claims that Princess Jasmine signed an autograph for another Guest right before this video was taken, it’s incredibly unlikely.

Disney Cast Member Finds Abandoned Newborn In Park

Disney Cast Members were notified when a newborn baby was left unattended, and parents were nowhere in sight.

Disneyland is where Guests go to make memories that will last a lifetime. Disneyland Resort is known as “The Happiest Place on Earth.”

Being known as the “Happiest Place on Earth” Guests expect to spot happy Guests, make good memories, and experience magical attractions and entertainment offerings.

Disney Parks are located all over the world and see thousands of Guests daily. Guest heading to Orlando, Florida may enjoy Disney World, including four theme parks: Magic Kingdom, EPCOT, Disney’s Animal Kingdom, and Disney’s Hollywood Studios. Across the country on the Pacific coast, Disneyland Resort includes two theme parks Disneyland Park and Disney California Adventure Park.

mickey minnie mouse goofy donald and blue on main street before cinderella castle

With Disneyland sees thousands of Guests bringing families, friends, and others. Children can easily get lost in crowds.

In a TikTok, one Guest spotted a newborn baby that was reportedly left unattended for over 20 minutes crying. They couldn’t find the parents, and in the video, it says she came back and “acted as if nothing happened.”

When watching the TikTok, you can see a Disney Cast Member stopping the mother and, most likely, asking her questions pertaining to the incident.


While we do not know how this ended, we are glad the parents finally made their way back to the baby. And in the future, we hope others will have a reminder to never leave their children unattended, even if it is for a few minutes.

If you see a missing or lost child, or a child that has been left unattended, go find your nearest Disney Cast Member, and they will handle finding the parents, and taking the child to safety.

Disney Parents or Guardians may want to look into safety tips like adding a phone number or tag to children or placing them in a stroller or baby leash when trying to get through large crowds to help prevent missing or lost children inside Disney Parks.