New Details Emerge After Bloody Brawl at Magic Kingdom

Magic Kingdom made headlines on May 16, 2023 but not for the rides, the food, or the parades. Guests were misbehaving…again. This is becoming an all too common occurrence. It had gotten so bad that Walt Disney World even updated its website, asking guests to behave and warning them of severe consequences if they do not. It seems not everyone got the memo.

A fight broke out between two families in front of the train station near the front entrance. Soon after it occurred, and at the time, there wasn’t a lot of information to go on. We now know more about the knock-down drag-out and the motivations behind it. The altercation began over a photo. You read that right—a photo.

Sheriff’s Deputies say that the fight began around 2:30 pm when one family (Family A) wanted to take a photo with the Disney100 sign commemorating the Walt Disney Company’s 100th anniversary. The only problem? Another family (Family B) happened to be standing in the way. A member of Family A asked Family B to move so they could take their photo, which didn’t sit well with Family B.

A member of Family B punched a member of Family A in the face. Then more members of Family B jumped in, and chaos ensued. What began as a simple request turned into an all-out brawl. Family B was substantially larger than Family A and did not hold back. They ganged up on the smaller group, and the punches kept flying.

Official reports say that at least one person was injured in the melee but declined to press charges. That individual was treated on the scene after the fight ended. Two others were escorted out of the park by security.

Bystanders recorded the fight and uploaded it almost immediately to social media, where it quickly went viral. Fox35 managed to obtain one of the bystander videos, which can be seen here:

The fight at Magic Kingdom is not the first violent disagreement to occur in a Disney Park, and unfortunately, it isn’t likely to be the last.