Man Arrested for Threatening to Blow Up Disney Executives Homes

Typically when we hear of an arrest linked to Disney it has something to do with people making the wrong decisions inside or around the Parks. Not too long ago a man was arrested for jumping the wall at Magic Kingdom to gain access to the most magical place on earth. When COVID closed the Parks, another man was arrested for making camp on Disney’s abandoned property, Discover Island. On occasion, you hear of the more serious situations, such as the woman that was arrested for hiding a gun in a Disney planter then blaming it on her 6-year-old. Needless to say, some people don’t make the best decisions even at Walt Disney World. While these previous arrests can be threatening, this newest arrest linked to Disney is scary as actual threats came from a Florida man saying he was going to blow up Walt Disney World executives’ homes.

As reported by WESH: “A Florida man is accused of threatening to blow up the homes of Disney executives on Twitter. Authorities say Steven Jordan, 31, created a Twitter account on Aug. 8 and made 186 tweets in a three-hour period. Two of the tweets were directed at Walt Disney World, threatening their executives. The tweets read: “@Disney or we will blow up all of your execs houses with C4” and “@Disney I will toss a hand grenade threw their loft window.” Officials say Jordan made other tweets at Activision Games about their executives, making derogatory comments. Twitter suspended the account on Aug. 9.”

Jordan admitted to writing the tweets when questioned by detectives. According to WESH, Jordan was previously convicted on the charge of a false report about planting a bomb, explosive, or weapon of mass destruction. At the moment he is being held in a Pinellas County Jail on a $10,000 bond. Authorities are continuing to investigate the situation.