First Person To Ever Run From Disneyland To Walt Disney World

Don Muchow has become the first ever runner to run from Disneyland to Walt Disney World! Muchow started his Run Across America in Newport Beach on Saturday, Feb. 1 and reached Walt Disney World on April 5. What’s even more impressive… Muchow is a type 1 diabetic.

As shared via Muchow’s Facebook page: “First person to ever run from Disneyland to Walt Disney World ! Minds officially blown. Disney security, cast members & guests cheered as Don ran up to the entrance, loaded him down with a custom Mickey cap, balloons & more. He was greeted by the Walt Disney World park president & other leaders, assigned an official photographer & guest relations reps who took us into the park, to the front of the line on Its A Small World (our favorite ride, don’t judge) and gifted Don with a Mickey Mouse ice cream which was his only request (magical carbs but u still have to dose for them). Most important of all, met a Disney security staffer whose adult daughter has #type1diabetes and had multiple guests in the park approach and give a shoutout for their #t1d family members.”

Check out the video of his finish at Walt Disney World here