First Look at Lifelike Walt Disney Hologram at Disney100: The Exhibition


Good Morning America visited Disney100: The Exhibition at The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia a few days ahead of its opening and shared a first look at the lifelike Walt Disney hologram that will greet guests.

Watch the video in our tweet embedded below or by clicking here.

According to the New York Times, “The Walt Disney Company used archival video and artificial intelligence tools to create a lifelike hologram of its founder — a full-size digital avatar that speaks in Walt’s voice and appears as part of interactive exhibitions of Disney artwork, props and costumes that will tour the globe until at least 2028.” The hologram will be located at the exhibit’s entrance.

Disney100: The Exhibition is set to tour museums around the world, with two exhibitions at any given time. The initial locations are set to be at The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia from February 18 through August 27, and in Munich from April 18. One exhibition will tour North America, with cities such as Chicago and Kansas City announced for future locations. The other installation will move to London after Munich, and then tour Europe and Asia thereafter through 2028.

The Franklin Institute with banners for Disney100: The Exhibition

Created for the 100-year celebration of The Walt Disney Company, the exhibition invites guests to step into their favorite stories using innovative and immersive technology throughout ten galleries in the 15,000-square-foot exhibit.

Disney fans who have attended any of the D23 Expos in Anaheim, California, or Destination D events at Walt Disney World are no strangers to the various exhibits from the Walt Disney Archives. However, for the Company’s 100th anniversary they are opening its vault of treasures. The ten galleries will showcase more than 250 of its “Crown Jewels,” rarely seen original artworks and artifacts, costumes and props, and other memorabilia.

“We have this incredible collection because we get first dibs off of every film that wraps and every attraction that is changed,” said Becky Cline, Director of the Walt Disney Archives.

“When we first conceived this exhibition we looked at the many ways of doing it,” said Cline. “Would it be a chronological approach … how are we going to tell this amazing story? We realize that everything that we do at The Walt Disney Company is based on the philosophies and dreams and practices of our founder Walt Disney. “

Cline then said that Walt always said the company was all started by a mouse and “while that was very true – in reality, it was also started by a man. A very, very special man. ” She went on to say that they decided to create an exhibit that illustrates Walt’s own ideas and his dreams and how we shared and followed in his footsteps ever since 1923, when the company was founded.

“This exhibition celebrates everything from 1923, when we first started, up to what’s coming up in the next year, stated Cline. “There are ten galleries in this exhibition and each one represents one of Walt’s philosophies.”