Disneyland Announces Late April Target for Reopening

Exciting news from Disney today! While we previously announced theme parks can once again reopen in California beginning April 1, we were unsure of what timeframe Disneyland was aiming to reopen. We now know Disneyland has a reopening target for late April!

The following was reported by Disney Parks New Twitter: “Here in California, we’re encouraged by the positive trends we’re seeing and we’re hopeful they’ll continue to improve and we’ll be able to reopen our Parks to guests with limited capacity by late April — we look forward to publicizing an opening date in the coming weeks. While last week’s announcement stated that theme parks may open starting on April 1, the fact is that it will take some time to get them ready for our guests – this includes recalling more than 10,000 furloughed Cast and retraining them to be able to operate according to the State of California’s new requirements. I am pleased to say the response has been great thus far, our Cast Members are excited to get back to work. And this is also good news for the Anaheim community, which depends on Disneyland for jobs and business generated visitors.”