Disney Being Sued For $30K Over Scooter Injury

When it comes to electric scooters at Walt Disney World, there are two schools of thought. There are those who believe that people on scooters are often ignored by Guests who simply can’t pay attention. Then, there are those who believe that people in scooters think they own the road and drive however they want. If you have been to Disney, then you have probably seen someone cut in front of a scooter and narrowly avoid getting hit. On the flip side, you have probably seen someone driving a scooter recklessly and cutting people off, and almost using the scooter as a battering ram.

Scooters have been the cause of many an injury at Walt Disney World Resort, followed by many a lawsuit. Those lawsuits slowed down during the pandemic — for obvious reasons — but, with the increase in crowds, the lawsuits are coming back in full force. One of those lawsuits is coming from Texas resident, Jamie Pineda.

According to reports, Ms. Pineda claims that she was visiting Walt Disney World with her family on December 29, 2021. Ms. Pineda and her family were waiting in line for the Beauty and the Beast Sing-Along in the France Pavilion in EPCOT. Suddenly, a person on a scooter came up behind her and smashed into her, knocking her down. Ms. Pineda claims that the accident left her with a dislocated knee and a tear in her ankle.

Disney World scooter

Ms. Pineda’s lawyer said that Ms. Pineda’s theme park vacation was completely ruined when she was hit. She had to return to Texas to receive medical treatment and is still dealing with pain and suffering months later. The major parts of the lawsuit claim that Disney is responsible for Ms. Pineda’s injury because they let scooters get too close to Guests, they do not maintain enough order in crowds, and they did not help Ms. Pineda after she was hit.

Unfortunately for Disney, they are limited as to how it can manage scooters in its theme parks. There are federal and state guidelines that Disney has to follow when it comes to Guests with disabilities who are using scooters to get around. While things went well when the Parks were at strict capacity limits, things are getting more complicated now that the crowds are back and more people are using scooters to get around.

Scooters Disney World

It is important to note that there is no training that comes with getting an electric scooter at a Disney Park. There are really only two things that are required: that the Guest is 18 years or older, and that they provide a photo ID.

When visiting a Park, it is always important to be aware of people in scooters, as well as Guests pushing strollers. If you see someone driving a scooter erratically and think that they are endangering other Guests, report your concerns to the nearest Cast Member. However, it is equally important to give scooters their needed space. Do not try to cut in front of one, and do not get too close, as you may not know which way the scooter is going. There are bad drivers everywhere, and Disney is no exception.