Corona Quarantine; What to expect from this Site

We are nervous as a family. Not because of the coronavirus as much as just the uncertainty of everything. Maybe our nervousness stems from a selfish viewpoint, as we have a Walt Disney World trip planned at the beginning of May that is now up in the air. Something that we have been looking forward to for several months is now an uncertain reality.

For a lot of families in our state and across the country, a new but hopefully temporary normal is setting in. Our routines have been changed, the way we do things…altered.

So, while this series of posts will not be specifically about Disney as a whole, it will address what a “Disney” family does when we are suppose to all stay home.

Life doesn’t change much for our kids. They are already homeschooled and have a routine established as to how to work independently on schoolwork. They wake up, get dressed and cleaned up for the day, and get busy on their studies. This is their NORMAL.

What is different is that my wife and I are now working from home. I am a 6th grade teacher. My wife is a school based mental health skills instructor. We are both trying to juggle doing what our jobs require from home as well as dealing with an active 14 month old running around and making sure the older 2 kids are sticking to their routine (Not sure how their grandma does it everyday…lol).

We will continue to try to bring you all of the Disney news that we can, even as limited as that might be. The major change that I am hoping takes place is there will be more opinion articles being added. We will also be adding some other things that I am hoping will bring a smile to your faces.

As a teacher, as well as a high school basketball coach, the last 4 months have been difficult to get the Disney “News” to you AND write my own personal Disney articles. With basketball season ending, this site will get a heavier dose of opinion. I Love Disney! I love to talk about Disney, so I am really looking forward to having the extra time to write.

With that being said, it is a very anxious time for all of us. Come here to get away from all of the doom and gloom on the news and enjoy being a kid. Share your comments and stories.

Most importantly…find joy in being around your family. Play a game together. Go for a walk together. Love each other. Watch Disney+ together! Just FIND JOY!