Today on “Guests Behaving Badly“, a fight broke out at Magic Kingdom this evening. It’s unknown at this time what the fight was about but we will update you as more information becomes available.

Fight might be an understatement, what went down looked to be an all out brawl, family feud style! In a now removed video on TikTok, all of the fight participants were wearing matching shirts which suggests they were all part of the same group and not a random attack.

The fight broke out in front of Peter Pan’s Flight around 7:30 pm tonight on Wednesday July 20. Children can be heard screaming and crying in the background and the scene was absolute chaos with trash strewn everywhere.
The person who captured the video can be heard asking where security is (which is a very good question as the fight went on for a good bit with no Disney intervention). Some bystanders did appear to try to break up the fight to no avail.
We have reached out to the bystander who shot the video for comment and will update you as more details become available.
Though the video has been deleted on TikTok, it can be found here on Facebook in the Walt Disney World Annual Passholders group.
The video has been posted to Twitter. Check it out below: