E’Syntheis Chambers may be young, but he’s got big ideas and an entrepreneurial spirit. Oh, and a love for Disney.

The seven-year-old Dallas, Texas, native told his mother, Roshanda White, that he wanted to go on a Disney cruise with all of his cousins.
“I told him for him and his cousins to all go, it would be pretty expensive,” she said, ”And he replied that he would start his own business to pay for the trip.”
And that’s exactly what little E’Syntheis did; he started his very own juicing business, called EE Healthy Juicy Juice, featuring some drink combinations his mother had put together for him in the form of smoothies since he was four years old.
“He actually just turned what we used every day for smoothies into juices and he slowly came up with his own, so I am very proud of him,” his mother explained.
The young entrepreneur says he wanted to open his juicing business to help others be healthy, especially his mother, who fell ill and underwent a heart transplant procedure shortly after giving birth to E’Syntheis.
“Juicing is good for you because of the different fruits and vegetables that have vitamins in them for you,” the young man shared during an interview.
His mother, Roshanda White, says that drinking juices E’Syntheis makes as part of his business have helped her in regaining her health.
“Drinking his beet juice, his green juice, and his green and ginger juice lowered my A1C (level) from 13 to 6,” White said. “I lost a lot of weight with his juice, and it also helped with diabetes and [my] heart transplant.”
(Physicians use a patient’s A1C level to diagnose diabetes and prediabetes; it is a measure of the percent of hemoglobin with sugar, or glucose, attached to it in your blood. People with diabetes are challenged with bringing their A1C levels down, as a normal, non-diabetic A1C level is around 5.7% or less.)
E’Syntheis’s mom says her son has not only grown his business, but while doing so, he has also maintained straight A’s in school, and he has kept up with his karate, track, and basketball obligations.
His mother didn’t share how close E’Syntheis is to reaching his goal of going on a Disney Cruise with his cousins, but patrons interested in trying his juices can grab them at a pop-up location in the Dallas area, or they can visit his website.

EE’s juices cost $10. Flavors include beet, watermelon mango ginger, carrot and green juice, and others. Orders can be placed online for local delivery, and E’Syntheis has also shipped his juices to other states as well.
In addition to saving up for a Disney Cruise, E’Syntheis loves animals and has a heart for children in foster care, and says he might just share some of his profits for their benefit too.
“I’m thinking about donating to the animal shelter and foster care for kids because I like animals and I like to help people,” he said.
Here’s hoping E’Syntheis gets his Disney Cruise soon and has an amazing time with his cousins!